Empower Your Voice: Secure Your Membership to Vote for Shiv and Shape the Future!
The Electoral District of Kanata-Carleton is blessed with a unique mixture of urban and rural residents who have worked together to make this riding a
wonderful place to live, work and play. Over the years we have enjoyed fertile lands for agriculture, a strong business activity for employment, well planned residential communities for living and green space for all to play. But recently we have experienced climate conditions that are dangerous not only to our
agriculture but to our residents, businesses such as our high tech industry suffering from poor government policies, communities experiencing unsafe conditions and green space eroding from beneath our feet.
My priorities as both your candidate and as the Conservative Member of Parliament are to reverse these negative trends and restore the vibrancy Kanata–Carleton deserves. In particular we need:
To Receive Invitations For Future
Kanata-Carleton deserves a Member of Parliament dedicated to the riding and its constituents. I want to see our employment opportunities on the rise, our neighbourhoods filled with signs of prosperity, our businesses flourishing, our respect for each other unquestioned and our freedom as Canadians returned to us.